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ARPHYMAT (ARchéologie - PHYsique - MAThématiques) est un projet qui a démarré
en 2006 et qui regroupe plusieurs UMR de l'Université de Rennes 1 :
CReAAH (UMR 6566) :
Centre de Recherche en Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire (Ramiro March)
IPR (UMR 6251) :
Institut de Physique de Rennes (Renaud Delannay; Édouard Canot depuis juin 2016)
IRISA (UMR 6074) :
Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systèmes Aléatoires (Édouard Canot, jusqu'à juin 2016)
Ce projet vise à l'étude archéologique, par le biais d'expériences de réplications,
de modèles physiques et de simulations numériques, des foyers préhistoriques.
Mohamad Muhieddine (Lebanese International University, Beirut, Lebanon)
Salwa Mansour (Lebanese International University, Beirut, Lebanon)
Juan Carlos Ferreri (Academia de Sciencia - Conicet, Argentina)
Debora Kligmann (Universidad Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Calogero Santoro (Conicyt, Universidad de Tarapacá de Arica, Chile)
Santiago Uceda (Universidad de Trujillo, Peru) [décédé en janvier 2018]
Carlos Rengifo (Universidad de Trujillo, Peru)
Salwa Mansour, "Contribution to certain Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of the Study
of Heat Transfer in a Granular Medium",
Thèse d'Informatique, Université de Rennes 1, 8 déc. 2015
Mohamad Muhieddine, "Simulation numérique des structures de combustion préhistoriques",
Thèse d'Informatique, Université de Rennes 1, 16 oct. 2009
Canot É., Delannay R., Santoro C.,
Physical analysis and inverse methods applied to archaeological
fire replications on Atacama desert soils, Northern Chile.
Archeometry. (en cours de révision)
Mansour S., Canot É., Muhieddine M., 2016,
Identification of the Thermophysical Properties of the Soil by
Inverse Problem.
ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, vol 138, n 9.
Canot É., Delannay R., Mansour S., Muhieddine M., March R., 2016,
Effective thermal conductivity of a wet porous medium – Presence of
hysteresis when modeling the spatial water distribution for the pendular
ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, vol 138, n 9.
Mansour S., Canot É., Muhieddine M., March R., Cordero J. A., 2015,
Estimation of the Thermophysical Properties of the Soil by Inverse
Problem, using Experimental Data during Liquid/Vapour Phase Change.
InterPore Padova, Italia, may 18-21. Presentation.
Canot É., Delannay R., Mansour S., 2015,
Reorganization of liquid menisci between solid grains during
evaporation/condensation of water in a wet porous medium.
InterPore Padova, Italia, may 18-21. Presentation.
Mansour S., Muhieddine M., Canot É., March R., 2014,
Identification of Thermophysical Properties of the Soil in
3D-axisymmetric Coordinate System using Inverse Problem.
ICTEA Marrakesh, Morroco, may 6-8. Presentation.
Canot É., Delannay R., Mansour S., Muhieddine M., March R., 2014,
Effective thermal conductivity of a wet porous medium - presence
of hysteresis when modeling the spatial water distribution for the
pendular regime.
ICTEA Marrakesh, Morroco, may 6-8. Presentation.
Miallot H., March R., Canot É., Delannay R., 2014,
Processus de formation des structures de combustion du site
"Les Sablins" : une approche expérimentale.
Rapport interne.
Canot É., Delannay R., Muhieddine M., March R., 2013,
Strong non-linear behavior of the effective thermal conductivity
of a wet porous medium.
NASCA Calais, France. Presentation.
Delannay R., March R., Canot É., 2013,
A burning question: how transfer processes in soils can
enlighten archaeological fires?
Workshop MODNUM, Beirut, Lebanon, may 22. Presentation.
Canot É., Delannay R., Cordero A., March R., 2013,
The Laloy & Massard model: improvements and limitations -
How do numerics help us in making better and useful experiments.
Workshop MODNUM, Beirut, Lebanon, may 22. Presentation.
Canot É., Delannay R., 2013,
Transfert de chaleur dans un milieu poreux : cas où la conductivité
thermique dépend de manière fortement non-linéaire du taux d'humidité
Workshop HYDRINV, Tunis, 7-8 février. Presentation.
Canot É., 2012,
DAE solver and symbolic computation. Application to Heat and Mass Transfer in saturated porous media
RAIM, Dijon, France, june 20-22. Presentation.
Muhieddine M., Canot É., March R., 2012,
Heat transfer modeling in saturated porous media and identification of the thermalphysical properties of the soil by inverse problem.
Int. J. for Applied Numer. Math, vol. 62, pp 1026-1040
March R., Lucquin A., Joly D., Ferreri J. C., Muhieddine M., 2012,
Processes of Formation and Alteration of Archaeological Fire Structures:
Complexity Viewed in the Light of Experimental Approaches
J. of Archaeol. Method and Theory, 21, pp 1-45
Muhieddine M., Canot É., March R., Delannay R., 2011,
Coupling heat conduction and water-steam flow in a saturated porous medium.
Int. J. for Num. Methods in Engng, vol. 85, pp 1390-1414
Canot É., Muhieddine M., Delannay R., March R., 2010,
Strong heating of the soil: simulation of thermal convection-diffusion with phase-change
in a saturated porous medium.
FTPFM Summer School, Cargèse, France, august. Poster.
March R., Muhieddine M., Canot É., 2009,
Simulation 3D des structures de combustion préhistoriques.
Virtual Retrospect, Pessac, France, november 18-20, pp 19-29.
Muhieddine M., Canot É., March R., 2009,
Recovering thermophysical parameters of a heated saturated porous media.
NASCA, Agadir, Morroco.
Muhieddine M., Canot É., March R., 2009,
Simulation of Heat Transfer with Phase Change in 3D saturated porous media.
MAMERN, Pau, France, June 8-11.
Muhieddine M., Canot É., March R., 2009,
Various approaches for solving problems in heat conduction with phase change.
Int. J. on Finite Volumes, vol. 6, n. 1.
Muhieddine M., Canot É., March R., 2009,
Numerical modeling of coupled heat and water steam flow in spatially variable permeability of saturated media.
ICTEA conference, Marrakesh, Morroco.
March R., Ferreri J. C.,
An experimental and numerical study on the duration of burning in archaeological hearths.
(in preparation)
Bastos G.
"Caractérisations physico-chimiques des sols archéologiques du Nord
du Chili",
Rapport de Master 2 recherche, Université de Rennes 1, Juin 2018
Mansour S., Canot É., Delannay R., March R., Cordero A., Ferreri J. C.
"Estimation of the Thermophysical Properties of the Soil together
with Sensors' Positions by Inverse Problem",
ECOS-Sud 2015 Report, May 29, 2015
Lien vers les données expérimentales
d'une campagne de mesure de terrain, effectuée pendant l'été 2015 dans
le désert d'Atacama (Chili).
Contacts (fondateur et coordinateur du projet), (membre du projet), (membre du projet et webmaster)
Mentions légales
Responsable technique : Édouard Canot (
Responsable éditorial : Édouard Canot (
Directeur de la publication : Édouard Canot (